pregnant belly

Safe Baby Pregnancy Tips

Expecting a baby? Keep both you and your little one healthy and safe with our essential pregnancy tips. Have a happy and healthy journey to motherhood!

When you find out you are pregnant the first thing you want to do is go to see the doctor, especially if you feel you have found out late in the pregnancy. This will make sure the doctor has a good look at your health and the child’s health and gets you on a program to fit the two of you best.

Keep Your Appointments

Keep every single one of the appointments you have with your medical care provider in order to stay one step ahead of any situation that may develop. Appointments are scheduled at calculated intervals so the doctor can monitor every stage of fetal development and how your body is effected by the pregnancy. To make sure the both of you are in tip top shape, don’t miss an appointment!

Drink Safe Water

Make sure the water you’re drinking during your pregnancy is safe. Tap water may contain fluoride, percholate, and lead, while bottled water may contain the same impurities as well as other chemicals such as BPA. Instead, invest in a tap water filter, and use a stainless steel or glass water bottle when out of the house.

Avoid Drugs

A pregnant mother should at all costs avoid any sort of drugs, whether they are alcohol, nicotine, or heavier drugs such as heroin. Your baby can and will develop a chemical dependency in the womb. This also is not to mention the possibility for birth defects. If you’re an expecting mom, stay away from drugs!

Avoid Gas Stations

Use full-service gas stations while pregnant, or ask your partner or other passenger to fill the tank for you while you wait in the car. The gasoline fumes that are emitted by the gas pumps at a service station can be harmful to your baby. It’s better to simply ask someone else to help than to take that risk.


Sleep whenever you get a chance to during your pregnancy. Difficulty sleeping is one of the biggest complaints women have while pregnant. As our bodies go through these massive changes, the ease of being able to get a full night’s sleep decreases. Take naps when the opportunity presents itself.

Announce When YOU Want to Announce

Do not feel required to announce your pregnancy to everyone as soon as you know. All women have their own comfort zone regarding when they want to tell everyone. Some women wait until they have reached the end of the first trimester and the highest risk of miscarriage is over. Listen to your heart and share the news when you are ready to.

Take Your Doctor’s Advice

If you recently found out you’ve got a little bundle of love growing in your stomach the first advice anyone ought to offer is to take all the advice of your physician. They did not make it through med school because of good looks! Listening will help make sure your baby is its healthiest and happiest when it arrives.

Visit Your Chiropractor

Visit your chiropractor regularly. During pregnancy there is a lot of stress and weight put on your spine, hips and other joints. Do yourself a favor by having a regular adjustment. It will keep you feeling better, more limber and prevent those aches and pains of pregnancy.

Have a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy!

By following our essential pregnancy tips, you’ll be on your way to a happy and healthy journey to motherhood. Remember to keep your healthcare provider in the loop and enjoy this special time. With these tips, you can feel confident and empowered as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world.

Once the baby is born, be sure to check out our parenting tips! We have loads of great advice for everything from keeping your kid’s toys clean to healthy snack ideas!